Delivering Policy Agility at Scale

The SecureFast Policy Hub helps organisations navigate and adapt to changing laws and regulations in dynamic and highly regulated environments.

What is the SecureFast Policy Hub?

The Policy Hub is a modern technology platform that processes business documentation (legislation, policies and procedures) in a natural-language rules engine. With the rules modelled, the platform can solve them interactively, in realtime, and at scale.

Modern Architecture & High Performance

We leverage a modern, provider-agnostic, infrastructure approach that enables clients to access our platform either directly as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, or via a self-hosted option (for those clients requiring higher levels of control).

Diverse Integration Pathways

Our platform is designed to augment your established system of record, not replace it. We provide RESTful APIs for secure programmatic access to all core Policy Hub functionality. Included with the Policy Hub is our flexible integration service, with pre-built connectors available for dozens of systems. With extensive integration experience, we can tailor an integration solution to suit your organisation.

Unlike ‘Black Box’ technology platforms, the SecureFast Policy Hub is always auditable and explainable.

Alongside every decision/calculation processed, the Policy Hub generates a comprehensive audit report, linking every decision to its originating source material ( legislation / policies / procedures).

Notable Features

  • Policies, procedures, and legislation constantly evolve. The Policy Hub can interpret rules with temporal parameters. This enables the platform to support complex functions such as grandfathered rules, re-evaluations, temporary modifications, automatic inflation-adjusted figures and more.

  • As it is created, every rule becomes a stand-alone node within the ‘rule graph’. Any rule can be connected to another, enabling limitless reuse of rules.

  • Rules are modelled in natural language, showing their interconnected nature and forming a digital twin of your policies.

Let’s Connect

We have the expertise and technology to enable true rules agility within your organisation. Chat with us today for a capability demonstration.